Cyborg Mistress (PC, DPS AND A LOT MORE)
Avatar made by saaga#2044
Cyborg Mistress is my biggest project that i ever made. She is customizavle and amazing avatar to have. This avatar really shows how much i have evolved when i first sold Scarlet and Awe. I really love her and i hope you will too! PS! Most of the assets are heavy edited so theyre not like the original.
In the project there will be 4 diffrent versions that you can choose from. From everything with to nothing!
Stats for Cyborg (normal):
Overall Performance: Very Poor
Poly: 872 915
Texture memory: 305,73
Meshes: 11
Skinned Mesh: 21
Material slots: 112
Lights: 14
Particle systems: 29
Particle count: 22 635
Bone count: 309
Phys bones components: 43
contact component count: 17
Audio sorces: 9
In game mb: 25,75mb
60+ Toggles! (there is a picture of all the toggles!)
Many more things to do!
Watch the video to get more info about the avi!
FBT tested
Facial expressions
Yes she can be used as a dancer avatar!
Disvole effects:
There is Dissolve effect on the whole avatar. It will be seen when you toggle stuff on/off on avatars
I used the contacts script to chnage the color of the clothing with one simple touch from the index finger. Its changed from black to white on tops, fishnet and shoes.
What more i did that i used contacts was to move Glasses, Headphones and Hoodie up and down.
What more i did with the contatct system is that i made a condom that you can open and put it in you mouth!
Hue shifts and ect:
What i ment she was really customazible is taht you can change her whole body from sized and colors! Choose the strenght to emisson and stop the blinking.
Diffrent Poof system?
She got a diffrent type of poof system. Watch the video to get more info about it.
Two types of guns:
She got two diffrent types of guns that you can choose from. One is that a hand gun and built in you right arm.
Robot best friend:
You have your best friend wherever you go! He is going to follow you everywhere to keep you company.
Dancing Fans:
She got dancings fans wich is really cool for dancing ect. Now look at us vibing iwth Basil xD
She got 4 diffrent particle systems to use! Really cool for dancing or just show off to your buddies. From trails to GPU particles systems to choose from. Watch the video to get more info about it.
She got a soda that you can drink from and have fun with it! Aswell you can open it.
- PP (DPS only)
- Vagina, Ass, Right + Left Hand, Mouth, Breasts
You NEED to buy the Penetration System DPS to use the feature!
Just import the bought Unity Package together with the model and everything as fully setup!
There may be mistakes or issues that I haven't encountered myself or that I don't yet know how to fix. I did my very best to make this avi good as possible.
Terms of Use:
You may not share my avatar package and contents with others in any way or for any reason
Don't claim that you made my avatar yourself
Do not upload my avatar to public
If u want to be uploaded for you ask me and not someone else!
If you want to use my avatar's parts for personal/commercial use, you must purchase them from the original creators of the parts
You must provide information while agreeing to the TOS; else, you are not permitted to use it
How to use:
This avatar was created in Unity 2019.4.29f1
Please run in order
1. Open a new project (importing into the same project as another creator's avatar may break the project)
2. Import VRCSDK3 Download the latest version of VRCSDK3 here - (
3. Import Poiyomi shader (version I used is Poiyomi Toon V8.0 idk) Download here - (
4. Import the avatar package purchased from me! <3
Body, Face, Skin texture base, Front Hair, Long Hair, Short Hair, Braids, Pants, Bikini, Base shoes, Hoops, Shorts, Top 1, Top 2 (Cant find the creator help!), Hoodie, Robot, Among Us follower script, PP, Particle 1, GPU Particles, Cyborg Fans, Condom, Pole, Robot arms
Rest of the assets: Made by saaga#2044
textures by saaga#2044 NO REUSE
Thank you Basil to be the model of teh avatar! Follow her on insta
Ey you readed the everything down here! Thank you :)